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Help us maintain good access for those that need it.

Dear Patients 

Seasons Greetings – wishing you a happy and healthy Christmas. 

We are now just over a year since we started the new online system to request doctor appointments.  We hope you have found the change acceptable and that you are experiencing some of the benefits.  It has enabled us to help more patients each day and, importantly, identify those patients who are most unwell and need urgent review. 

We now have much better access to appointments and advice than the average NHS GP Surgery. 

We need your help to keep it that way please. We are having ever increasing numbers of contacts through the online portal. On average 100 patients contact us a day now.  This is not including 200 others who access us via telephone, email, and the NHS app.  We see 300 patients every day at the surgery. 

There are 2 ways you can help:

  1. Please only use the online portal for urgent and routine doctor appointments. Booking annual reviews/ medication reviews/ smears/ immunisations/ nurse appointments etc should all be done by calling the surgery.   Requesting medication and checking blood/ scan results should be via the NHS app.  Chasing referrals should be conducted by yourself please – calling the secretary of the speciality/ service.
  2.  Please be mindful of self-care and alternative access to medical help.  The ease of accessing the online portal has resulted in patients having a lower threshold to contact us before they have attempted other options:

Thank you very much for your support – it will enable us to continue helping all those who need us most.

Best wishes.

Hope House Surgery.